DXN No Limit Team UK

“DXN is dedicated in following through with all aspects of its business model from Cultivation and Processing all the way to the actual marketing of its Ganoderma enriched products direct to its consumers. This process has granted DXN global acclaim for its state of the art management system, research and development as well as the highest of quality products on the market today. DXN is the 28th biggest direct selling company in the world..”

2013. december 5., csütörtök

20th Anniversary celebrations at PICC on 17 November 2013.

DXN has just celebrated the twentieth anniversary. Many of the leaders of the Hungarian DXN went out to personally take part in the ceremony. It was a reward trip is part of what qualified as a team on the basis of turnover. After four days in one of the most famous five-star beach resort rested, DXN leaders from around the world were received. About I'm sharing pictures and videos. Join and you can walk through the world with us!

2013. augusztus 6., kedd

Why Coffee-Business?

Why Coffee-Business? 

 The Industry - Consumption Facts Coffee is the second largest commodity in the world. Coffee is second only to oil in world trade employing more than 25 million people in the industry. Coffee is the most popular drink worldwide with 1.4 billion cups consumed every day. Coffee grows in more than 50 countries and is the second largest export in the world after oil (in dollar value).

- 2.4 billion pounds of coffee are sold per year in the United States, representing 1/3 of all coffee exported. 
- The USA is the world's largest consumer of coffee. 
- Coffee is the world's most popular stimulant: 4 out of 5 Americans drink it, consuming more than 400 million cups a day. 
- The average American adult consumes over 10 lbs. of coffee per year. 75% of all the caffeine consumed in the U.S. comes from coffee 57% of all coffee is consumed at breakfast. 
- More than half of the United States population consumes coffee typically drinking 3.4 cups of coffee a day. 
- Canadians drink over 15 billion cups of coffee a year, making coffee Canada's favorite hot beverage. 
- Last year in Britain, £623 million was spent on coffee. Britain consumes 500g of coffee per person per year. 
- Australians consume 60% more coffee than tea, a six-fold increase since 1940. 
- Scandinavia has the world's highest per capita annual coffee consumption, 26.4 pounds.

DXN COFFEE – A Healthy Alternative World's First Healthy Coffee: A brilliant delivery method combining Ganoderma Lucidum with rich coffee. A proprietary standardized extract of six rare strains of precious Ganoderma Lucidum. Over 2,000 years of documented history validating that Ganoderma Lucidum is the “Miraculous King of Herbs.” Some 400,000 pages documenting extensive interest in Ganoderma Lucidum today. Flavored to perfection. Priced competitively—200% below market price per cup.

2013. július 31., szerda

My Story!

Welcome to My Website! I'm Nagy Gabor!
My story started after 40 years of disease - all summer long allergies, choking, coughing - I found informations about the chance for treatment and healing without medicines!
After this I’ve  turned towards the world of dietary supplements and found the opportunity of my healing with leaving all my meds!
As an entrepreneur, I’ve sympathized with the acquisition of MLM type of income for a long while but the methods I've seen and experienced were extraneous to me all the time. Although the products of the company were good for my health I was not interested in the business opportunity.

I have not been able to manipulate, mislead people, and invite them to buy expensive starter kits for join to a system which was full of built-in pressures and pitfalls. I thought there were only few people who were able to reach real passive income with less investment of hard work.
In 2008, however, due to a serious health problem and the failure of our traditional business I met with a company whose products had helped my full recovery. After knowing the business model of the company I could solve my financial problems too!

After I got acquainted with DXN and the amazing effects of Ganoderma I use DXN products with fully satisfaction and pleasure. The ganoderma coffee, cocoa and tea had become  favorites for my whole family. Dietary supplements of DXN help me to tide over the whole summer without medical symptoms.
A lot of negative things that kept me off from MLM network building were not in evidence here at DXN. Thanks to theese I work with good and untroubled conscience and I got many new friends but no foes during this time.
DXN provided to me professional online tools and with the help of theese I could build an international network marketing business with using my computer at home over 3000 members in more than 40 countries. Nowadays I receive commissions after theese 3000 members’ consumptions!
Since the European market is opening now we are looking for leaders in all countries who could see the opportunity in the healthy Ganoderma coffee,  and a company that has been proven for 20 years already, it has 5 million members worldwide now, and that company assumes the 28th place amongst the top MLM companies.
In the next few years there will going to join at least one million people in Europe, and the incomes of this business activities would provide creature comforts for many European families! I’m already with them and if you’ll join us, we will do all our best for you and the members of your network to generate commissions to you with their each coffee consuming!
If you are interested in, it might be your best decision of your life to join us. I think not only your health, but your wallet would be happy about it too!

You can join us here:

2013. április 5., péntek

Ganoderma Coffee

Caffeine is known to stimulate the bodys nervous system causing an instant jolt that later on staves off and leaves a person craving for another fix. For busy workers who have to log in excessively long hours or assume projects that entail erratic schedules, the energy boost coffee provides is an indispensable benefit. But once blood sugar levels start falling leaving one more tired and restless, it becomes evident that coffees temporary enhancing power doesnt provide the body with the energy it actually needs.If this doesn't seem to be a cause for concern, think again. 

Caffeine can affect the central brain causing fluctuating appetite, anxiety, and confusion. Before one notices, cold sweats, muscular tremors, and increased heartbeats are breaking out. While its sensible to bring back centeredness with the aid of an invigorating and accessible beverage, compromising ones well-being isnt an option. Ganoderma Lucidum mushroom, traditionally used in Japan and China as a medicinal herb that combats chronic and degenerative diseases, has been combined with peoples favorite coffee beans to produce Ganoderma or Gano coffee.
 It presents a healthy alternative to drinkers, streamlining coffee to what its supposed to berich, aromatic, and less superficially energy giving. Each regular java cup contains about 150-200 mg of caffeine while Gano coffee only contains 9 mg. Its stress-relieving quality enables one to concentrate longer, sleep sounder, and operate calmer. This is in part caused by increased oxygenation in the brain and prevention of neurotransmitter reduction which is associated to ingesting stimulants. 
In addition, stimulants, if taken on a regular basis, cause a depletion of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the long haul. Low serotonin levels lead to decreased immunity, an irony considering the everyday boost one tries to derive from drinking coffee. Ganoderma addresses this by strengthening the bodys immune system and allowing it to fight various pathogens. Another point to consider is caffeines low pH balance. 
A pH value of less than the neutral 7 indicates acidity. While the body strives to maintain a balanced pH, caffeine with approximately 5.5 pH counters this effort by making it difficult for the body to incorporate nutrients. Ganoderma, meanwhile, contains a neutral pH of 7.3 to 7.5, enabling the body to efficiently regenerate cells and detoxify. Despite these advantages, it is still best to integrate varied nutrients into ones diet. Ganoderma may cause dry throat and nose, offset anticoagulants and chemotherapeutic agents, and bring nausea. Its benefits, on the other hand, far outweigh the possible disadvantages.

 For best results, settle for a larger span of nutritious foods instead of depending on one super vitamin. With regard to packaging, Ganoderma coffee is as versatile as the old standard coming in mocha, chocolate, or ginseng varieties, instant, 3-in-1, or brewed forms. Old habits are hard to undo but these options may take ones mind off the idea that Gano coffee is something less than coffee. Most people think of relatively new concepts as mere alternatives but Gano coffee steps outside this label. It provides a healthy choice without reducing the familiarly savory quality of coffee drinkers are accustomed to and attempts to offer profits far more than what one expects from the usual cup.

Benefits of Ganoderma

A lot of buzz has been raised about Ganoderma thanks to its numerous health benefits. While there are several species of Ganoderma mushrooms, the one that people usually refer to is Ganoderma lucidum, otherwise known as reiishi mushroom. This article takes a look at some of the health benefits attributed to this species of Ganoderma mushroom. 
 Some of the health benefits you can experience by taking products containing Ganoderma are:

 • Higher immunity to allergens. Ganoderma can make you more resistant to allergens, good news for those who are prone to break out in hives or sneezes because of various triggers. 
 • Lower cholesterol levels. Those who struggle with high cholesterol can take Ganoderma in order to lower it.
 • Maintains blood sugar levels. Ganoderma can actually lower blood sugar levels, thanks to the mushroom's ability to enhance peripheral tissue utilization of glucose as well as its ability to enhance the liver's ability to metabolize glucose. 
 • Higher immunity. Ganoderma can improve your resistance to a wide variety of illnesses, thanks to its high level of antioxidants. It has also been shown to help the body fight bacteria, especially those belonging to the Staphylococci, Streptococci, and Bacillus pneumoniae strains. It even has antiviral properties. Initial studies also suggest that it can actually make you less at risk of developing cancer. It has also been shown to play a key role in slowing down cancel cell growth when combined with green tea. Studies have also shown that Ganoderma can actually impede tumor growth. 
 • Improves blood circulation. Ganoderma can improve blood circulation, and it can even correct blood circulatory imbalance. 
 • Urinary tract infection relief. Those who suffer from bladder problems can take Ganoderma in order to find relief from their problem.
 • Improves metabolism. Ganoderma has been shown to have a positive effect on metabolism, helping people avoid gaining weight. 
 • Anti-aging. The antioxidants in Ganoderma can help combat the free radicals that are known to cause the signs of aging. The mushroom has also long been used to prolong live. 
 • Detoxification. Ganoderma has also been shown to help eliminate the harmful toxins in the body. It can also rejuvenate your cells. 
 • Anti-inflammatory. Ganoderma can actually help fight against inflammation. A study indicated that 50 mg of the powder form of this mushroom creates effects comparable to 5 mg of hydrocortisone. 
 • Helps treat respiratory ailments. Ganoderma has been shown to be a viable medication for bronchitis and bronchial asthma. It can also aid in the regeneration of bronchial epithelium. It has also been shown to work effectively as an expectorant and antitussive that will help flush the mucus in your respiratory system. 
 • Helps prevent altitude sickness. Ganoderma improves blood oxygenation to reduce the possibility of experiencing altitude sickness. In fact, there are Asian mountain climbers who actually take this mushroom in order to avoid experiencing altitude sickness on their climbs. 
 • Has calming effects. Ganoderma may be used to help treat anxiety thanks to its calming effect. These are only some of the benefits attributed to Ganoderma. While it's been shown to have a lot of positive effects on people, do note that this isn't recommended for everyone. Be sure to talk with your doctor before taking any supplements or products containing Ganoderma to ensure that you won't experience any problems due to this mushroom.

DXN Hot Chocolate

Cocoa, which is the key ingredient in chocolates, appeared about 4,000 years ago in the lush Amazon rainforests according to its origin. You will definitely get a better idea on why a single cup of Ganoderma Hot Chocolate is well worth its steep price. You are sure to feel satisfied already even when just thinking of preparing this delicious chocolate mix for the whole family. Your children are sure to receive the nutrients they require especially when the infusion of Organic Red Mushroom extracts provide them plenty of benefits while they enjoy the rich and smooth chocolate flavor of this mixture.

Why online networking

If your answers were mainly yes to the questions above, online network building was invented for YOU! Why online networking? Because there is no nicer thing, when your professional website is working instead of you 24 hours a day! 
If you have decided to go deeper into the mysteries of online networking and to start the building of your financial independence there is a vast of information on the internet. Professional and sefl-styled gurus offer their selves and solutions to your life. I have got a bad news, but this should be clarified in the beginning: it will not run without work! In spite of the professional marketing and other materials, for your succes the most important is YOU! If you have preservance left, read on! 
There is no study available for downolad on this page and i do not want to sell anything to you. I want to attract your attention to an opportunity. My success is guaranteed without you, but for yours you need yourself! Let's see what to do step by step: 

1. You have to decide whether you want to spend several hours of your spare time to deal with this business on the internet, and do you have about 20(twenty) euros of free funds, and if the absence of it will not endanger your and your family's lifestyle. A very important piece of advice! You should only start dealing with this business if you van believe in it, if you can enthues for it, and if you feel you can do it with pleasure. 
But why is it so important? You can read about it in my story.

2. If i absolutely can't dissuade you from making a lot of money happily and a lot of work, click here to fill in the membership contract! 

3. The next nasty step unfortunately can not be avoided , you have to pay the membership fee (20 euro), which includes the presentation folder, and the online networking service support package. 

4. Think of a good website address, because you can have a same marketing website for free. This is a big saving immediately at the beginning. 
Do think this is a good start of the business? Do you think others will be interested? 

5.  In conclusion, you have only two things to do: 

To Study. 
Gain some information in order not to make the mistakes others have already had. To do so, we also provide a free access to the closed, marketing supporting intranet system , where you can find all the knowledge you need for your success. 

To Act 
Get as many people to taste your coffee or tell more people your website's address or the link of the webconference, where a product preview and a business presentation is held every monday. 

As a Bonus at night before you go to bed you can check out your network's evolution. If you work hard, believe me, it won't be a bad feeling :-)!

2013. április 4., csütörtök

What Kind of Coffee do you drink?

What Kind of Coffee do you drink? Don’t really feel like giving up the joys of Coffee but would like to make more health conscious decisions, the solution is here. Drink the benefits of Ganoderma coffee and also sample all the other DXN products and enjoy the difference!

Thanks to the Ganoderma Mushroom, its extract can be mixed with High Quality Arabica coffee from Brazil. This creates a very unique taste, as well as has a very positive effect on the body. Your body accumulates acids which are neutralized by the effects of the Ganoderma mushroom if used regularly. This mushroom will also regulate blood pressure and stabilize the effects of high and low fluctuations in the body. The Ganoderma Mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) contains nearly 200 alimentary substances which have positive effects on our body. One of those ingredients is Organic Germanium which is one of the most healing substances in Nature. The Ganoderma Mushroom is a virtuous plant therefore not containing side effects which weaken the body after long term use. In fact, this type of mushroom improves your immune system and helps the body heal itself more rapidly.

Have you ever heard of anyone forgetting to drink their Daily cup of coffee? 
 A great idea was born when DXN decided to mix this potent Ganoderma mushroom with a staple product in the daily lives of so many people around the world. In today’s consumption of this potent product, DXN is the world’s largest producer having over 4 million daily consumers in 100 countries.. DXN is also proud to say that they are one of only a handful of companies manufacturing this product with no artificial flavors, colorings or preservatives. Five of these coffee varieties were produced for the Hungarian market alone.